Platforma SitesbiFeatures

  • Develop with ease. With us it’s simple.
  • Freedom and ease of use

    Easily create and publish content. With us it’s very simple.
    No more difficult to use administrator panels. Simply edit content where it is published. Sitesbi will provide You with a set of very clear and intuitive “on the spot editing” editing tools. Thanks to these you will easily enter changes to text, publish photos, create attractive and clear page layouts, amazing photo galleries or run a blog. Your clients will definite appreciate this!

  • 100% mobility

    Beautiful, modern and mobile. Your new professional online presence!
    Sitesbi will enable You to possess a modern website which will always be available - on a computer, tablet and smartphone. With specially designed and professional graphic layouts, Sitesbi allows for the automatic adjustment of content to any device. All you have to do is choose a layout that works for You while We create and launch your new and fully mobile website.

  • A picture is worth a 1000 words.

    Enrich your website’s content with photos and videos. Your clients are waiting for this!
    All you have to do is upload your photos and place them on your website and Sitesbi will do the rest for You. It will automatically generate all file versions, choose the appropriate size of the photos for each device and ensure for maximal visual impact of the displayed photo galleries. Sitesbi will also provide You with professional photo editing tools. Cropping, adding filters, adjustment of brightness and saturation, adding of test ... all of this is at your fingertips without the need to install additional software.

  • Be in contact with your clients

    Sitesbi’s main purpose is to help you to quickly and easily share your information with your clients.
    Thanks to the integration with social media you will be able to publish and share content directly from your website. Your clients will also willingly recommend Your website to their friend on FB, Twitter and Google+. All you need to do is make it easier for them.

  • Get to know the behaviour of your site users

    Manage your company on the web. The web provides many possibilities which can be measured!
    We care about the development of your company. Sitesbi will help You to wisely create an image of your brand by providing you with specialised tools to monitor existing indicators of site traffic. It will show You which content is the most valuable to Your clients as well as allow you to consciously develop your relationships via different channels.

  • Sell online

    Start to sell your products and services directly from your website.
    Thanks to Sitesbi you can use advanced online sales tools that are very intuitive and easy to use. The fully integrated shopping basket, secure payments, promotional offers and discount codes services as well as maximising conversions thanks to the handling of abandoned shopping baskets and sale statistics.


    Sitesbi, as a SAAS platform, will enable You access to the newest solutions adapted to Your actual needs, requirements and budget.


    We care about the success of your business. We are at your disposal whenever you need us.


    Fast and reliable infrastructure, fully scalable with strict access control and 24/7/365 monitoring.

  • 100% MOBILITY

    Your website will always be accessible and fast as well as beautifully designed regardless of user device.


    Automatic adjustment of photo sizes as well as optimisation of content in regards to mobile devices.


    Publish and share content directly from your website. Maintain constant contact with your clients.


    Start selling your products or services online through a very easy and intuitive manner.


    No more difficult to use administrator panels. Simply edit content where it is published.


    Your potential is unlimited. Publish and share your blog posts no matter where you are.


    Publish photos to gallery templates which are automatically adjusted for mobile devices.


    Easily edit your photos. Cropping, adding filters, brightening... all at hand.


    The site is easily seen by Google thanks to the optimisation of site content in regards to search engines.


    Find out more about your site users, the source of site traffic as well as which content is the most valuable.


We will gladly answer all your questions tel. +48 570 683 080, e-mail: moc.ibsetistkatnok